
Saturday, 28 August 2010


ok so i made some new stuff just now! heres some pics of them... theyre all in my myspace album/s and im not sure where else to put them i.e which shop: etsy, folksy, bigcartel etc :)

thats all for now folks.

[dont forget to contact me about having your ad banner on my blog, banners should be 250x150 pixels and also please send me the link to your shop. its free for you, i just want to promote as many makers as possible! :)

"liebe" x

Friday, 27 August 2010

mercy me.

ive just done an etsy search for 'barbie', which i do every so often :) and of course there were lots of cute goodies on offer.

i noticed there were a lot of items tagged with the word 'barbie' from one particular shop...

iTs full of cute stuffs:cameos, kitsch, kawaii, barbie etc. heres the link to the shop...

here are just a few lovely items i found in their shop. i would put them all in here, cos theyre all amazing but itd be a bit crowded! 

thats it for now, do check out their etsy and grab a cute gift!


Thursday, 26 August 2010

colouR me in...

ooh... i just had to share with u these cuuute little earrings. im so gona have to order me a pair of pink ones. theyre made with REAL coloured pencil pieces.

i found them today whilst 'researching' on etsy. i swear i was! :)

here they are, prepare for super cuteness!

heres the link for them

and u can visit the main shop here

as u can see from the main shop the designer makes sweet, dainty little pieces like the earrings above, but also uses silver to make quirky items.

ok thats it x

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

keep calm...

heyy all.

ive always liked all the "keep calm and..." stuff ive seen, but wanted something different to the norm. soo...

i had to show u this really kool pendant i just ordered from etsy, its my VERY FIRST ever etsy purchase. it was a total impulse buy, but i had to have it. it was so cheap too, it really had to be done. it worked out at only around £5.60 including p&p. thats pretty wow.

its from a seller called 'pendant pixie' and here is the pendant i goT. omG! its so awesome...

u can check out their etsy shop

and their website  

for more super cute scrabble tile pendants. woo.

thats all.


Monday, 23 August 2010

sweet as sugaR...

here is a blog post about a very talented jewellery maker.

'sugarraindrops' makes the most amazing resin jewellery. her stuff is totally cute and kawaii. check some of it out here...

you can buy her beautifully handmade goodies on her very own website and do follow her blog over at

thats all for now folks.

cLare x



this is my very first blog post. and i should start by mentioning my own jewellery. well, why not... my main shop is and i also have an etsy shop and a folksy shop at

i will be blogging here about jewellery i like from many a lovely seller, and in time i shall try to follow all the lovely blogs ive seen. and ill blog about other random stuff too.

here are some of the newest goodies ive made...

thats all for now. im gona go and look for blogs to follow, and yeah, follow mine too if u like :)
